Resilience Academy is an interactive video training platform that uses Near-Life™ technology to deliver an immersive learning experience giving learners a realistic, first-hand experience of life in the field. The platform has been designed as a central resource for learning materials related to security and other areas of risk.
Our aim is to provide anyone who works or manages personnel in challenging environments and difficult situations access to a variety of interactive courses to help them stay safe in some of the world's most insecure locations. Our immersive scenarios are designed to test learners in realistic situations so that if the worst happens, learners will be able to response appropriately.
Resilience Academy gives learners feedback specifically related to their performance in the interactive simulations, so that learners know how to do better next time. Hostile Environment Awareness Training, or HEAT, has been developed to support a variety of sectors that deploy personnel, or work with local agents, in hostile or insecure environments. The course introduces learners to strategies for staying safe whilst on mission.
Bringing such immersive training online makes realistic, role-play and experiential learning more flexible and affordable.
Wework directly with strategic partners and international experts around given courses and topics to provide world-class, cutting edge e-learning helping to prepare you for some of the most challenging situations that face international development work today.