Course Catalogue
Hostile Environment Awareness Training
Designed for anyone working in or travelling to dangerous or unsettled regions and territories.
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Developed in partnership with
Approximate duration: 3-5hrs
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Developed in partnership with

Approximate duration: 3-5hrs
(inc. VAT)
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HEAT: pre-deployment short course
A bite-sized HEAT course to provide pre-deployment condensed input or as a refresher for pre-existing knowledge for those who work in or travel to security challenged environments.
Developed in partnership with

Approximate duration: 60mins
(inc. VAT)
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Sensibilisation en milieu hostile – HEAT
Conçu pour tous ceux qui travaillent ou voyagent dans des régions et des territoires potentiellement dangereux ou instables à travers le monde.
Développé en partenariat avec

Durée approximative: 3-5h
(inc. VAT)
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Field Security Management
Developed in partnership with RedR UK, this course is designed to meet the security needs of NGOs operating in the field.
Languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish

Approximate duration: 4-6hrs
(inc. VAT)
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Remote Security Management
Developed in partnership with RedR UK, this course is designed to provide a foundation in best practice when managing security remotely.
Languages: Arabic and English

Approximate duration: 3-5hrs
(inc. VAT)
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Emergency Medical Team VR Security Course
For the international responder community working outside their country of origin.
Developed in partnership with:

Approximate duration: 3-5hrs
Developed in partnership with:

(inc. VAT)
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